Tuesday 18 March 2014

Top Ten Tuesday -- Top 10 WTF/Silly Metal Gear Moments

Written By: Tyler

This is a big day for me. I'm an unabashed and unashamed Metal Gear fanatic and we're getting Ground Zeroes today (review coming).

I'm sure when Phantom Pain comes out I'll do another Top Ten... maybe something a little more serious like my favourite scenes or something. But since Metal Gear can go from serious to silly in a matter of moments, I feel like it's fitting to do a Top Ten WTF/Silly Metal Gear Moments.

Unfortunately I know there are going to be things I missed because the series is quite large at this point and I've forgotten a bunch, but that's what the comments below are for. Or message me on Twitter @ArtBathednCrime.

10: Nanomachines
While the concept of Nanomachines isn't silly by default, how far Metal Gear takes it is. Nanomachines are the cause for a large percentage of, well, everything that goes on it seems. I think the Metal Gear universe has a Nanomachine problem.

9: The Translation In Metal Gear -- You Know What I'm Talking About
While this isn't so much silly as it was just a product of its time, there's a special place in my heart for the poor translation of the first Metal Gear. You don't even have to go far to find the more memorable stuff, as it's right there at the beginning.

"Uh-oh, the truck have started to move," and "I feel asleep." Two lines that will forever be in my heart.

8: The Opening Commercials In Metal Gear Solid 4

When you first start a new game in MGS4, you are treated to a bunch of commercials that you can flip through. Just putting commercials in a game is strange enough, but some of these are weird. They tie into the themes in the game but it was so unexpected I have to put it here. And don't lie, when you first played you thought there was something wrong with the game too.

Up above is one of the commercials.

7: The Pain

You can't talk Metal Gear without talking the bosses, and so there had to be a strange one in here. I didn't pick Psycho Mantis because he is just more "cool" to me than silly or WTF. I chose The Pain over Fatman because he uses bees. Bees are hard as fuck, but this is a world with people who can read your mind, immortal vampires, people that can't die, giant walking death tanks... you get the picture. So The Pain, you are the silliest.

6: Naked Raiden
It's not even that this is illogical, it's just silly to actually play as a naked person. Think about it, you've been tortured, locked up, embarassed -- whatever -- so now you're naked. Instead of beating around the bush, they let you play as naked Raiden -- a feat that is especially awesome because so many people hated Raiden. Meanwhile, while you run around naked, the entire game is spazzing out and giving you a hard time.

Also, doing cartwheels is great.

5: Otacon Sleeping With Step Mom

There's a lot of stuff going on in this game, and you could you know, die, at any second... but Otacon straight-up weirds us out by telling us that he slept with his step-mom. Not expected at all. But then again, Otacon has a knack for throwing in unnecessary questions or comments at inappropriate times.

4: Slipping On Bird Poo In Metal Gear Solid 2

In the video above, that for some reason I can't embed, it shows a player slipping on bird poo in Metal Gear Solid 2. This happened to me more than I'd like to admit, which means obviously I'm awesome at stealth. Just the fact that they made this possible is one of the many reasons I love this series.

3: Johnny Sasaki Always Has Toilet Problems

There's a reoccurring character in the Metal Gear franchise and his name is Johnny. He always has bowel problems. What this shows is that Kojima knows the value of a good poop/fart joke.

2: The Cardboard Box

The cardboard box is a miracle of science, and nothing respects that fact more than the Metal Gear universe. Watch this video and see them "oh" and "ah" over why the cardboard box is the best thing ever. 

1: The Crotch Grabs

There is nothing like some homo-eroticism to end this list. The crotch grabs are plenty in this series, and while this isn't the greatest video of them, they are there and they are awesome.

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