Saturday 1 March 2014

Weekly News Round-Up -- Feb. 23 - March 1: Lots O' Microsoft And Battlefield 4 Gets Its Groove Back... Plus Indie Game TITANFALL

Written By: Tyler

Well people, here we are... the end of February. I hope you enjoyed this month, and welcome to the Weekly Video Game News Round-Up, a bi-monthly article that I write where I talk about current news. It has come to my attention that there are times that the news was actually broken the previous week but I mostly just check Gamespot, Destructoid, IGN and Kotaku (with other sites occasionally) so if they report it on there this week, it's current to me. So there!

So let's do this.

Reus Developer Announces New Game, Renowned Explorers - International Society

If you can't tell by the headline, Renowned Explorers - International Society is the next game by Abbey Games. It is going to be a treasure hunting, turn-based game where you can choose to deal with enemies by either talking to them, fighting them, or combining the two methods. Sounds awesome.

Nick Diaz approves.

Gearbox VS 3D Realms (Again)

So my inside sources (okay, just reading Gamespot) have told me that Gearbox has decided to sue 3D Realms over the Duke Nukem: Mass Destruction teaser site, saying that they rescued Duke and that the 3D Realms rights over the IP were reduced. So stop trying to make games with it, okay 3DR?

This isn't the first time that they've had tussles so I think at this point there's only one way to fix this:

Any wrestling fan has a good idea of how this ends.

Ryse Isn't Going To Have A Challenge Editor Anymore

In news that means absolutely nothing to me because I a) never cared about Ryse and b) don't own an Xbone, they are apparently pulling the plug on developing the challenge editor. They are instead focusing their efforts on free and paid DLC, which is something no developer has ever done over the past 10 years.

Dean "Rocket" Hall Is A Cult Leader

The man who created the "people-being-assholes" simulator DayZ, Dean Hall has decided to leave Bohemia this year to focus on other projects and create a new studio. He basically stated that he has always been great at getting people to take risks, and that "[he] can talk, [he] can explain something, [he] can talk people up to the ledge and get them to jump off it."

I too have the gift of gab.

He believes that at some point people like him aren't good for business in a leadership role so he should step away. I think Dean is doing the right thing though, and I hope he creates something memorable on his new path.

The Dark Souls 2 Map Is Here

I'm assuming that this is the first time we've seen the map for Dark Souls 2, but I don't know anything. So here it is:

Sorry Samurai Fans, Kurosawa Is Not Going To Make Assassin's Creed 5

To be fair, Kurosawa may be dead anyway, so it wouldn't be possible. Regardless, Jade Raymond shot down the rumors of the next Assassin's Creed taking place in Samurai-era Japan, though she said it'd be a cool idea. She said it's going to take place in her favourite era, so stay tuned.

I like to think I won't do what most sites do and talk about how hot Jade is. I'm not going to post a picture of her because damn it people, we are past the days where an attractive girl gamer is a big deal. Grow up, join the modern age.

I'm a weak man.

Deus Ex: The Fall Coming To PC

To those who think that mobile gaming is lame and Deus Ex deserved better (every one?), then I got some news for you. The Fall is coming to PCs on March 25 via Steam so you can pick it up there.

Get Ready To Pee... Outlast DLC (Hey That Rhymed)

I haven't yet played Outlast because I'm enjoying sleeping at night, but it's on my PS4 ready to terrify me. With that said, the first DLC -- titled Outlast: Whistleblower -- is coming in April for both PC and PS4. Gamer bewaaaaaare, you're in for a scare.

Diablo 3 Patch Hit This Week And It's A Doozie

To all three of you who didn't go back to Diablo 2, I have some good news for you. Blizzard released a big patch for Diablo 3 this week. I won't begin to say what they did, but they've tweaked a whole hell of a lot of things.

Here is a list:

I actually like Diablo 3, as I put over 100 hours into it, but I'll admit that it definitely did some things wrong. However, it's nice to see that Blizzard seem intent on fixing a lot of the issues that admittedly should have been fixed from the beginning. Still, install D3 again, grab the patch and go and kick Belial's ass.

Humble Bundle 11 Seeks World Domination... Basically Achieved It

That's right, you only get 50G.

Humble Bundle 11 was already great -- these bundles usually are. But now it's even better because they added Fez, Starseed Pilgrim and Beatbuddy among the ranks of The Swapper, Giana Sisters, Guacamelee!: Gold Edition and Dust: An Elysian Tail. So save that coffee money for a day or two (or don't because you're cranky if you don't have your coffee) and pick up this excellent bundle.

World of Warcraft Has Some Changes Coming For You Raiders


(I don't have anything clever to say so I went with a crappy "wow" joke)

Mario Kart 8 Is Compatible With A NEW Wii U Racing Wheel

I didn't think the Wii Mario Kart was as good as some of the others, but I loved having the wheel to play with, so this is good news. However, if you aren't sure that the Wii U is different than the Wii, I don't see this clearing things up for you.

Way to go Nintendo!

Own Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn On PS3 But Want It On PS4?

Don't worry, it'll be free to transfer your stuff from PS3 to PS4. There are some features that won't be available right away in your transferring but this is still a great deal so I have no jokes for this one. I also feel that it's sad to pick on Final Fantasy at this point.

I admit that I don't often have a lot of Microsoft news here but they've been all over the place this week so this week I'm giving them their own little corner in an unpopular weekly video game article on an obscure blog. You're welcome Microsoft.


Love Free-To-Play? Microsoft Has Some Good News For You

Due to the success of F2P on 360, Microsoft has every intention to bring you more of it for Xbox One, because if there's anything the internet loves, it's free-to-play.

Guess What? Kinect Is Here To Stay

If there's another thing that the internet loves (my they're loving these days), it's the Kinect. Good news for them, the Kinect isn't going away because it's part of the Xbone ecosystem. It also is legitimately a defense system, as I reported (ha, look at me trying to sound like I have credentials) weeks ago.

Why Do I Keep Asking Questions In The Headlines? Get The TITANFALL Bundle

Get the only thing worth having for the Xbone when you buy an Xbone... while supplies last. Yes that's right, TITANFALL is going to be bundled with Xbox One's when it launches. That's a pretty sweet deal, in all honesty, but it doesn't make me want to stop making fun of Microsoft.

It's also going to take 40gbs of space. 40gbs of AWESOME. Ahem.

BUT WAIT, there's mooooore: It's actually only 20gbs on Xbox One. I could have just deleted the part above but that's now how I roll.

Xbox One Gets Price Cut in UK

Save some money if you're in the UK. Or fly to the UK just to buy an Xbox One and bring it back, though that seems like a lot of work.

Xbone Joins The Modern Age With Twitch Gaming

PS4 gamers have been able to do it since launch, but now the Xbox One will have it starting March 11. Right in time for TITANFALL. At this point I'm just going to call the system the TITANFALL One.

Xbox One Named "Product Of The Year" For 2014

Well people, time to pack up 2014 because two months in, it is now over. Microsoft won, time to move onto 2015.

Product of the Year gave the award to the Xbone in their annual awards. I guess congrats to Microsoft? That might ease the pain that there's a guy in power over there that could possibly shut down the Xbox division. The plot thickens.


This Just In: Minecraft Is Popular

Minecraft has reached 100 million registered users. This isn't to be confused with people who actually pay for the title, but Notch claims that about 14.3% of all registered users have paid for the game. By my calculations that means... a gazillion people are currently playing the video game world's equivalent of Lego (except you know, the Lego games).

Persona 5 Is Coming To North America, And The Spin Off Titles Will Be Too!

Get ready to get your weird high school RPG on, because Persona 5 is hitting North American shores in 2015. The other games will also be seeing release over here. This is great news for the fans... I just wish it was PS4.

Battlefield 4 Update Happened This Week

As the headline states (seriously who does these headlines, they are spot-on), the Battlefield 4 update has gone live for PC and PS4. Which means something else is probably broken now so you'll need another update. 

Gods Will Be Watching Coming In June, Looks Pretty Graphic

PC "point-and-click thriller" Gods Will Be Watching has a teaser trailer in the link above, and there is a bunch of torture and knee-capping foos. Sounds like a regular day for me, I don't think I'll play it.

Call of Duty Elite Has Shut Down

If you're a Call of Duty fan you probably already know this. I am not, so I don't really care either way, but it sucks for you people who really like Elite.

Candy Crush Developer Chucks 'Candy' Trademark

Due to the controversy of being complete idiots, King have withdrawn their trademark in the US of A but not in Europe. I'm in Canada but we're kind of like the US so I'm so glad I can finally say candy.


Pokemon X and Y Are Going To Be Free If You Purchase the 3DS And One Game

So... if you buy a 3DS and one of the select games, you get the newest Pokemon for free, starting March 1. One of these games is Animal Crossing and you should be buying that anyway if you get a 3DS, so this is a win-win-win.

Bethesda Says That Killing Nazis Never Gets Old

Part of the reason why the Wolfenstein series can keep going is because killing Nazis never gets old. I think that's a fair point...

...And if Brad Pitt enjoys killing Nazis, then I do too dammit.

Swords And Soldiers 2 Grunts And Baaaaaaaas Its Way Onto Wii U

In this teaser trailer, that is literally all you get... some grunting and sheep. Sounds a lot like my sex life.

A Real Minecraft Movie?

Notch "leaked" the information on Twitter, but instead of giving a real answer to IGN he just rambled on about government corruption and net neutrality. So yes, Minecraft is going to be a movie and it's going to be made by the person who made The Lego Movie, which really isn't much of a stretch. Way to typecast yourself!

The Wii U Is Awesome!

The president of Retro Studios said that the Wii U is a "powerhouse," and that it's more powerful than people give it credit for. He says that it's a great machine to make games on. I disagree, because there are no good games on the Wii U. Super Mario 3D World, Monster Hunter 3, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, The Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, none of these games exist. They are all figments of my imagination. I have a pretty ballin' imagination.

Wii And DS Are Going Back To The Stone Age

Young people these days don't remember a time before the internet was in every household, but there was a time, I assure you. Those were dark days, but they existed.

But luckily for everyone who doesn't remember what that's like, Nintendo has you covered. If you only own a Wii (which you do because you aren't aware that the Wii U is a new system) or a DS, Nintendo is pulling the plug on the online services. Thanks Ninty!


Oh my GOD!

TITANFALL Doesn't Require An Online Pass



New Batman Game Coming? I Hell Damn Fart Hope So

Since they aren't willing to fix the bugs in Arkham Origins, I reckon we are owed a new Batman game. I actually loved Origins despite the flaws, so I am looking forward to a new one.

A Dutch journalist apparently has info on the next game but he's not allowed to publish it until March (which is actually today, technically). If only there was a way to get the information out anonymously and earlier than planned...

New Secret Of Mana......???

At first I was like:

Then I was like:
Everybody needs to use this gif at least once. This was my time.
And now someone else is writing this article and running the blog because I'm dead. Seriously? A mobile free-to-play with micro-transactions for a new Mana? Ugh.

Battlefield 4 Has New DLC

The Naval Strike expansion is on its way and it has a hovercraft, four new maps and a new mode. Sweet, a hovercraft! With it I can hover all the way to a place where the game actually works.

Does the game work now? Can I stop making the same joke over and over?

Million Onion Hotel Is On Its Way, And I Am Not Ready

Onion Games is releasing a game called Million Onion Hotel and I know nothing about it really, but I'm into a bunch of the games that the developers have worked on before, so not even the fact that it's an iOS game can sink this bad boy.

Well, that's about it for this week. Got any news that I didn't comment on? Good, that means you're putting your own work in! I hope you enjoyed this week, and make sure to check out this blog every single second of every single day in anticipation for my next article. Or come back next Saturday for another Weekly Round-Up.

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