Tuesday 15 July 2014

Top Ten Tuesday - Ten Series That Need A New Game

Written By: Tyler

I haven't done a Top Ten Tuesday in a while, but I was sitting around discussing Smash Brothers with my own little brother (yes my very own!). We were talking about what characters, from any console/company, we'd like to see in the new one. This got me thinking about old games that I miss, so here we are at the newest Top Ten Tuesday.

Games like Metroid aren't included here because it's not like it's been that long since a new Metroid, and Nintendo has already mentioned new ones. To qualify for this list, you have to be a series that has remained dormant for an extended period of time (with some exceptions), especially despite fan outcry (or just my own), and it has to have more than one game. This list isn't for individual games that need sequels, as that's an article I will probably write at a later date.

Originality and new IPs be damned, here are the top ten video game series that need a new game entry.

10: F-Zero

Okay Nintendo, it's about time that you bring back this franchise. When you look back to the SNES F-Zero, it's mostly just a fast racer with pretty simplistic tracks. When I look at what Nintendo has done with the newest Mario Kart, it's hard not to drool all over myself when I consider what that could mean for F-Zero. Mario Kart 8 has some of the most insane tracks of any Mario Kart, and that amount of craziness could lend itself well to the speed of F-Zero. Let's get on it Nintendo.

9: Half-Life

To a lot of people, a new Half-Life would probably top this list. I like Half-Life... hell, I think that it's very deserving of its legendary status, but I'm not a Half-Life fanatic. That's why it's only number nine on my list. With that said, there's been teasing, waiting and annoying internet memes, all in the name of Half-Life 3, so Valve should really just release the damn thing and watch as the latest installment of its classic first-person shooter franchise gets 9.5s and 10s all across the board by critics.

8: Battletoads

When I was growing up we had a lot of great beat 'em ups, and Battletoads was always one of my favourites. While we've seen Double Dragons, we haven't seen a new Battletoads in a very long time. Why is that? I reckon part of it is just that this genre isn't as popular as it once was among the mainstream, but Battletoads is such a classic series with its fun fighting mechanics and its over-exaggerated moves, it's hard not to thirst for a new one.

7: Perfect Dark

The original Perfect Dark didn't innovate like Goldeneye 64 did, but it was a better game. It took the formula and upgraded it in all ways. The only criticism I have of it is the frame rate drops when things start getting hot and heavy. Still, it is a classic.

Jump ahead to 2005, and we get a new installment: Perfect Dark Zero. It didn't set the world on fire, but it was a solid game with some great multiplayer maps. I really enjoyed it. Since then, Rare had pitched the idea to Microsoft to make more, but it never flew. Instead, Rare is making Kinect games while Joanna Dark and crew are lost in the shuffle.

6: Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan 2: Glan of the Gray Wolf stands tall in a generation that had a lot of amazing history simulation/strategy games. We had Nobunaga's Ambition, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Liberty or Death, and many more, but Genghis Khan 2 is the best and is my favourite strategy game of all-time. There have been Japanese sequels, but even those were a long time ago now. I know the market isn't what it once was, but I'd love to see a new installment of this series.

5: Chrono Series

The crowning achievement of the SNES is arguably Chrono Trigger. It's one of the finest RPGs ever made. So excitement was high for the sequel Chrono Cross. When Chrono Cross came out, it sold really well and was critically acclaimed, but some fans weren't happy. It had elements of Chrono Trigger, but it wasn't seen as a true sequel to the SNES classic. I love Chrono Cross, myself, but it's not Chrono Trigger to me, despite the amazing soundtrack, the large cast, and the great story.

Then the Chrono series disappeared. There hasn't been a new game. I don't expect a direct sequel to Chrono Trigger, with the same characters, though admittedly after all this time it would be nice to see them again. I'm not picky, I just want a new game.

4: The Lost Vikings

Blizzard has incredible series like Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo, but my favourite is The Lost Vikings. I loved the co-op puzzle/platformer, where each Viking had his own limitations and abilities and you had to go through the levels using all three. It was a great mechanic back in the day, and despite the Lost Vikings showing up in games like World of Warcraft, we have yet to see another new game in the franchise... and quite frankly it's long overdue.

3: Earthbound/Mother

Even if I wasn't a huge fan of Earthbound and Mother 3, I would include this on the list because there have been very few franchises with this kind of fan demand. There is technically a Mother 4 coming, but it's fan-made. Each game has been a unique take on certain things, and I think it's about time that they give into what the fans want and just release another one. That's right, I'm telling them what to do.

2: Ogre Battle

Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen is one of the best games ever. The excellent blend of strategy and RPG was really appealing at the time and I spent hours and hours playing it because there is a lot of replay value and secrets to find. I still don't think I know where everything is. I really liked Ogre Battle 64 too and think it's one of the best games on the N64. There have been spin-offs like Tactics Ogre, but I would lose it if they announced a new game in the series like the SNES one.

1: Timesplitters

There are games I like more than Timesplitters, like Earthbound and Ogre Battle, but I adore Timesplitters as it's one of my favourite shooters ever. So why is it number one if there are games I like more? Because they keep throwing it in our face. First it was in development, then it stopped. Then it got cancelled. Then Crytek said they wanted to make it. They're still saying it's something they want to make. I wish they would because in this world of grim shooters, it'd be nice to have a light-hearted, fast shooter with a sense of humour... and monkeys.

Honourable Mentions:
Commander Keen
Power Stone

So what did you think? Did I miss a series that you really like? Let me know in the comments below or feel free to make friends with me on Twitter @ArtBathednCrime. Until next time, Happy Tuesday.

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