Wednesday 15 January 2014

January - National Mentoring Month. We Enjoy People Telling Us How To Live!

Written By: Tyler Selig

                I wanted to post a list, and I had ideas but these ideas weren’t in any way original and you could see them on any video game site that does lists. Lists such as “games that need sequels” and whatnot are lists I will probably eventually do but I wanted to do something original or at the very least less common. I’m going to try to put it up on the first day of every month, and the reason the January entry isn’t is because I just thought of it a few days ago. IT’S MY BLOG, I’LL DO WHAT I WANT.
                So each month I will pick one thing that it commemorates and I will tie real world into video games. This month it is apparently National Mentoring Month somewhere, so I am going to give you some of my favourite video game mentors. It isn’t a list in order, and it’s incomplete, but here are some solid choices.

January – National Mentoring Month

Buzz-Buzz from Earthbound


                Let’s pour some liquor for our fallen comrade, who went back in time ten years just to talk to Ness. Strictly speaking, he kind of does his thing and then dies, but he does get you on the path to saving the world while imparting some words of wisdom so I’ll count him. Plus, any reason to mention Earthbound is okay to me.

Cranky Kong from Donkey Kong

The realest.

                Cranky Kong is an OG. With a Nintendo supported decision made by Rare that Cranky is actually Donkey from the original, he has been there since the beginning. In Donkey Kong Country, he lives up to his name by being argumentative and a crotchedy old monkey, but he also gives you advice on places and items. Really though, he is the Donkey Kong, and that has to count for something. Think of the stories he has to tell.



                I’m not sure there’s anything that will change your life more than coming home and seeing your family murdered. Mind you, it sent him on a melodramatic self-destructive path where so, so many people end up dying… but still, I mean… he learned something. Right?
                At the very least in Max Payne 3 he grew an awesome beard so one could argue that set him on an enlightened path. Whether that was coincidence or consequence remains to be seen. Perhaps in Max Payne 4? You're welcome Rockstar.

Kreia from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2

Talk about someone who is meant to be a mentor, she even looks the part.

                Like I said in my previous article, I haven’t played the first one so I have to go with Kreia from KOTOR 2 because she is mentor defined. You’re an apprentice to her the entire game, regardless of which route you go. She is always giving you life lessons and speaking in vague, knowledgeable sentences.

Cortana from the Halo Series

Sex appeal doesn't sell. I don't want to think of this picture when I'm in the bathroom. Or play Halo 4 over and over and over and over and over. Nope.

                Cortana is a smokin’ hot AI who assists Master Chief through the series by giving tactical advice and the backstory of various areas. In Halo 4 she also helps you by having a bangin’ body. She is a great mentor because she’s always there. She’s basically in your head. She also helps save all sentient life in the galaxy.

Zack Fair from Final Fantasy 7

I still can't figure out where Cloud got his moodiness from.

                One of the rare cases where a mentor doesn’t even show up for most of the game. It’s like he doesn’t exist, but he has actually been there the entire time. He is the best friend of Cloud Strife, the main character, and Cloud commits identity theft without even knowing it. Yes, Cloud literally wants to be Zack, and if that doesn’t make Zack a mentor, I don’t know what does.

Auron from Final Fantasy 10


                Up until a couple years ago I would always say that Final Fantasy 10 is a great game with some terrible characters. After I thought about it, I realized that outside of a couple, these characters are pretty cool. Most Final Fantasy games have throwaways.
                However, Auron has always been cool to me. If I were to make a top ten Final Fantasy character list, he’d be on there. He’s a strong, silent type, but when he talks he lets Tidus know what’s up.

The Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3

The most badass woman in video games. Solid Snake has Meryl, Naked Snake has her. Naked wins. Except for the "having to kill her" setback.

                First of all, her name is The Boss. It’s not often that you see a woman mentoring a man, and the fact that she was so important to a character – Big Boss – who is so important to the entire Metal Gear story makes her a big deal. Her and Big Boss developed CQC, and their battle – between apprentice and mentor – at the end of Metal Gear Solid 3 is beautiful, heart-breaking and intense.

Other Players in Demon's Souls 


                I haven’t played Dark Souls, but I’ve always loved how Demon Souls uses the internet. It’s multiplayer at all times, but in a subtle way. You can click on spot where you see a ghost, and it’ll show you how other players died. This is a valuable tool in your arsenal because this game is endless death.

Iris in Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals 

Blue hair women rock.

                Ever since I played the first Lufia back when I was a kid I’ve had an undying love for the series, though I missed out on the DS one (need to rectify!). I’ve always loved the story, and it had a real focus on story that allowed it to have some seriously emotional moments. Iris is actually one of the villains, but she guides Maxim and crew along, never really completing her advice but giving advice and aiding them all the same. That and the fact that she’s one of the Sinistrals makes her an incredibly fascinating mentor.

                There you have it readers, some of my favourite mentors in video game history. I know there are a bunch I’ve missed, but these were the people I could remember with a little bit of research (not having to go through and find every game I’ve played). Are there any you really like? Let me know in the comments below or hell, tweet me @ArtBathednCrime

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