Tuesday 25 February 2014

Top Ten Tuesday -- Top 10 Catchphrases In Video Games

Written By: Tyler

I like lists. In fact, I like lists a lot. If I had my way I'd probably sit around and make lists that nobody else cares about all day. But alas, people tell me that I have to go have a life or go to work. I was on The Broke and The Bookish where they do/did Top Ten Tuesdays and I really like the idea of doing that weekly... however I probably won't be able to commit to it every week because I'm not that creative and this blog is free (I know, mind blown) and I have to put priority on other matters like paying those little gimmicks called bills -- to quote Stone Cold Steve Austin. Oh well, I will from this point on try to do a Top Ten Tuesday as often as possible even if it's only once a month.

Since Bravely Default is so long and is taking up so much time I haven't written a review in a while and coincidentally I've had less content on here lately because of it. Fear not, a review for Bravely Default is coming, along with Thief and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, among whatever indie games happen to fall into my lap.

One thing I feel the need to mention, and will probably mention each time I make a list, is that this is my list. I'm not sitting here trying to be "objective." I'm not sitting here debating to myself what the most important catch phrase is. I keep it simple stupid because my mind can't handle much else -- I include the catch phrases that I like.

Here are the Top 10 Catchphrases In Video Games

It's important to note there is a difference between catch phrases and quotes. There are some badass quotes in games but if they've only said it once then it doesn't qualify. I don't like to flood my list with the same games so if there are numerous catchphrases in one game the entire game will be represented by my absolute favourite.

10: Scorpion from Mortal Kombat - "Get Over Here!"

When you hear Scorpion yell this at you, it's too late, you've already been hit (damn!). If you didn't catch that Limp Bizkit reference than shame on you.

Scorpion is a badass and he throws his spear at you. When it hits you, he yells this at you and even though you really don't wanna go over there, you have no choice because the spear is in your neck or chest. After that point there's probably an uppercut coming.

9: Random Voice in Ogre Battle - "Fight It Out"

This probably isn't a popular pick but I try to throw Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen into everything I do. At work, at home, at fancy dinners, whatever, I talk about Ogre Battle.

Right before you're about to get in a fight, you hear a voice say "Fight it out." And then this song hits:
Then you know shit got real

8: Moogles in Final Fantasy - Kupo!

I love Moogles. Fans of Final Fantasy love Moogles. I feel like they are a good representation of Final Fantasy. Admittedly, while characters have said a lot of great lines in the series, there aren't that many great catchphrases, so leave it to the cute little white things to save the day.

7: Random Enemies from River City Ransom - Barf!

A great supporting role in a movie compliments the lead and makes the experience better. The enemies in River City Ransom compliment you because when you are done kicking the shit out of them, they die... but first they barf. It's extremely satisfying.

6: Your Wife From Genghis Khan 2 - "...Is that lipstick on your collar?"

You can choose to spend time with your family in order to create children to lead your army after you pass. I think Genghis Khan 2 is an overlooked or at least under appreciated Strategy game from a company that was firing on all cylinders at the time, and despite it being memorable for all kinds of reasons, it's this quote that sticks out to me.

Why? Because the game forces you to cheat! I've entered marital problems that I didn't even know existed! I was off trying to build an empire but apparently I was getting down a lot with random girls (or guys?), and my wife knows it. She's a clever little thing, but she still sleeps with me so in my book that's a win-win for men all around the world.

5: Toad from Super Mario Bros. - "Thank you Mario! But our Princess is in another castle!"

It's such an overdone choice but there's a reason for that. For years, children all over would play Mario and we'd be bashed over the head with disappointment after disappointment when we were told this. The thing that really pisses me off is that he seems so joyful about it... I mean as much as an 8-bit character can be. Look at those exclamation marks.

4: Ryu and Ken from Street Fighter - "Shoryuken!"

This beats "Hadouken!" for me just because of the amount of passion that Ryu and Ken put into it. I feel like that has to count for something, so even though I like using the Hadouken more, Ryu and Ken deserve more praise for their enunciation of Shoryuken.

3: Sergeant Cortez from Timesplitters - "It's time to split."

This is one of the most self-aware, cheesiest lines in all of gaming, and I love Cortez for it. It gets to the point that he has used it so much that he ends up getting cut-off because people are just tired of him. That's the mark of a classic catchphrase, and I can only hope I can get to that point in my life.

2: The Game Over Screen in the Metal Gear Solid Series - "Snake? Snake? SNAAAAAAAKE!"

This beat out Solid Snake going "Damn!" and "Metal Geeeeear?" but it was a hard choice. This is more memorable because whenever you die people get upset. That's an alien feeling to me in real life (because I die all the time and nobody cares), so when you hear people like Otacon yell your name... it makes you feel good.

1: Atlas/Fontaine in Bioshock - "Would you kindly?"

I had to put this number one because it's a legit awesome line. Some of these choices are just because I spent years having them drilled into my head. This is actually clever writing. What I love about Bioshock is that it's very post-modern. It dissects video games.

It does this by taking something that gamers never think about and putting a new spin on it. As gamers we just do what we're told. We progress when we can. In Bioshock you progress because you're hypnotized. All of a sudden, it all makes sense... he wasn't just being nice to you, he was bossing you around! It's genius and it's my favourite catchphrase.

If you have an idea of a list that you'd like to see me do, regardless of how silly it could be, let me know in the comments below or on Twitter @ArtBathednCrime. I will try my best to eventually do it as long as it's possible and entertaining.

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